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When MARE first meets with teens about creating these In Depth Profiles, we often talk about their interests or hobbies. Ultimately, that helps lead them to the focus for their profile. Victoria, who likes to go by Charlie, certainly has a lot of interests – drawing, anime, reading, music – but in this case, their personality was the driving force behind their profile. Because Charlie can best be described in one word: inspiring.

When it comes to inspiration, you’ve heard of TED talks, you’ve heard of podcasts, and you’ve heard of motivational speakers. Now let us introduce you to The Charlie Sessions.

The Charlie Sessions Episode 1: Motivation

Charlie wants to share tips for motivation, because it’s what keeps them going. They believe you have to find that one thing that motivates you to be a better version of yourself. It might even be something small, but if you look deep you’ll find your source. “I look at positive affirmations… I journal… I think of all the good things in my life,” says Charlie.

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The Charlie Sessions Episode 2: Being a Better You

Simply talking with Charlie is an exercise in motivation. They have faced challenges in their life, but they use that to drive them to a better tomorrow. They don’t believe in wasting time, either. They believe everyone can take steps – even if they’re just baby steps – at becoming a better version of themselves. “There are so many things you can accomplish,” says Charlie. “Whether you have the natural talent or not, you can do anything you put your mind up to.”

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The Charlie Sessions Episode 3: 3 Easy Steps

Once you are motivated and inspired to make a change in yourself, you have to take action. “It’s okay to not be okay, as long as you’re working at being okay,” says Charlie. “If you don’t have your back, who will?”

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“Life is tough,” says Charlie. “Speaking from experience, it will throw hard rocks at you. Just get back up. I’m where I’m at today because of my past.”

Now Charlie is looking at their future. It would be wonderful to have this inspiring, motivated, and positive teen matched with parents who will be by their side and taking steps together towards being a better family… forever.